Linde A

Linde A man-down turret truck has been specifically developed for warehouse functions and order picking in high rack warehouses with very narrow aisles. The modular trucks are adapted individually to their specific working environment.
Linde A man-down turret truck has been specifically developed for warehouse functions and order picking in high rack warehouses with very narrow aisles. The modular trucks are adapted individually to their specific working environment.
Linde A man-down turret truck has been specifically developed for warehouse functions and order picking in high rack warehouses with very narrow aisles. The modular trucks are adapted individually to their specific working environment. All models are characterised by their low energy consumption, regenerative braking system and lowering of the mast. They also have Linde's well-know ergonomic design including a spacious operator's position, comfort seat and logically positioned contacts and displays. Linde A man-down turret truck can be integrated with WMS warehouse management and includes various camera and help features to support safety, efficiency and speed according to the company's specific operating requirements.
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