The first auction in 2025 starts on Tuesday, January 21, and ends on Thursday, January 23, 2025 - Visit online auction
The new Linde machines signal a positive development curve and a shift in strategy with RAIS. Export has increased, production streamlined according to LEAN principles with series with few units, and investments have been made in welding robots, automation and IT. Employees work in three shifts, and all employees in the production department have forklift truck certificates so that they can all operate the Linde machines at the department.
- We work dynamically with internal logistics. Linde has been carefully selected for the various needs in the production process, and we need dependable, reliable and flexible machines to move precious cargo. We are careful about performing quality assurance on our products and see Linde as a powerful quality brand that supports our product philosophy, says IT and Operations Manager Birger Jensen from RAIS.
The need for more logistics machines is inextricably linked to growth at RAIS. The plant area in Frederikshavn has increased with significantly more square metres for assembly, manufacturing workshops (PTA) and various test rooms for quality assurance. In short, more items had to be transported in a larger area at a swift pace.
RAIS searched the marked and invited several suppliers to compete for the changed transport needs. Detailed analyses were carried out, specific requirements presented for each department, and employees were consulted for information about their preferences. At the same time, RAIS was open to new ways of doing things and was excited to hear what they would each recommend.
- We set to work with an open mind in our bidding round and wanted the newest technology within the forklift truck market. Linde certainly is in a class by itself when it comes to developing new, innovative and demand-driven technology for logistics. There are many interesting possibilities. To mention an example, we had Linde Blue Spot safety lights retrofitted on the fleet, says Birger Jensen, IT and Operations Manager, RAIS.
The ability to deliver high service quality was a crucial point with RAIS, and with a locally based service engineer from N.C. Nielsen, technical truck service at RAIS is never far away. The engineer arrives at short notice if, contrary to expectations, something does not work or if there is a need for further instructions in operating the machines. It is a matter of quick reaction, closeness in cooperation between two parties and good, personal relations.
- We're proud of having been a part of the RAIS growth adventure. Luckily, we were allowed to compete for their future truck fleet on equal terms with other suppliers, and I’m excited that N.C. Nielsen was chosen. I’ve been personally acquainted with RAIS for many years, and effective cooperation must obviously also be based on good, human relations between the parties, says Bo Lindegaard, District Manager, N.C. Nielsen.